Jay Sebastian

sebastianjay2 at gmail dot com


University of Virginia

Aug 2013 - May 2017

Bachelor of Science, Computer Science and Computer Engineering; Engineering Business Minor; 3.9 GPA

Work Experience


May 2019 - present

Software Engineer, Android Auto

  • Worked on integration of 3rd party media apps with Android Auto
  • Developed with Java (Android)


Summer 2016, Aug 2017 - April 2019

Software Engineer, Exchange Enterprise Cloud

  • Worked on internal tooling for maintaining and updating the Office 365 URLs and IP addresses list, including the web service which exposes that data
  • Developed with Razor HTML, CSS, TypeScript, React, C# (ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core), SQL Server, and Service Fabric

Intern, Office 365 Core Dev

  • Worked on UX for Secure Score, a site to promote usage of O365 security features
  • Developed with Razor HTML, CSS/LESS, TypeScript, Angular JS, and C#


Summer 2015

Intern, Video Team

  • Resolved bug/feature tickets as full-stack developer on both customer and dealer-facing websites
  • Created HTML5 video player prototype for playback of uploaded camera clips
  • Developed with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, C#, and SQL

Decisive Analytics Corporation

Summer 2014

Intern, Machine Learning Division

  • Created prototype natural language generation pipeline for understanding FrameNet-labeled text
  • Researched and tested principal component analysis to improve scene classification pipeline
  • Developed with Java and C++
Summer 2012, 2011

Intern, Information Management and Decision Architectures

2012 internship

  • Created a middleware that allowed local video infrastructure to be controlled with a mobile tablet
  • Developed with Java (Android)

2011 internship

  • Assessed performance specs of Xbox Kinect and created a simple gesture-based interface
  • Developed with C++ using Kinect for Windows SDK

Additional Experience

Volunteer TEALS Teacher

Sept 2018 - present
  • Taught the following at a public high school in central Washington (communicating remotely through teleconferencing tools):
  • AP CS A (Java)
  • Intro to CS with Snap (block-based programming)
  • Intro to CS with Python
  • Created resources (quizzes, notes and review content, labs, lectures) to be reused by the school and other volunteers.

Student Game Developers at UVA

Sept 2013 - May 2017
  • As Vice President (2016-17), managed physical assets, guided game directors, and created a knowledge-base for future members.
  • As Webmaster (2015-16), gathered digital assets and contributed code to club website.
  • As project director (2014-15, fall 2016), led teams of 15-20 developers, artists, musicians, and designers in projects in Unity and Python (see portfolio items Bounce and Wilderness).
  • As lead programmer (2013-14), created a role playing game with MonoGame in C# (see portfolio item Sunset High).

Teaching Assistant at UVA

Jan 2015 - May 2017

Duties: administering labs, holding office hours, grading, and addressing questions on forums. TA'ed the following classes for the given lengths of time:

  • CS 2150: Program and Data Representation (5 semesters)
  • CS 4610: Programming Languages (1 semester)
  • CS 4810: Introduction to Computer Graphics (1 semester)

Volunteer Tutor

Sept 2013 - May 2014

Tutored students one-on-one at a local high school in the Charlottesville area in algebra and geometry.

Volunteer Pianist

Sept 2013 - May 2017

Over 10 years of practice as a pianist. Regularly performed in the lobby of the UVA hospital and cancer center.


Fluent in: Java, C, C++, C# (.NET), Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL, HTML, CSS/LESS

Familiar with: PHP, Ruby, OCaml, jQuery, React, Angular JS, Node JS, Twitter Bootstrap, Powershell, Bash, x86 ASM, Android, Redis, OpenGL/WebGL, LabVIEW, Matlab, VHDL, MonoGame, Unity, LibGDX, Git, TravisCI, Azure Service Fabric, general Azure resource management